Clematis ‘Betty Corning’ produces a long succession of delicate, nodding flowers from mid-summer until early autumn. The lavender blue petals dangle from long flower stems and give the appearance of little skirts floating in the air. New foliage is often tinted bronze. The flowers have a light sweet fragrance. Although this clematis has good garden vigour, it will not overrun its neighbours. Its open growth habit makes it a wonderful selection for rambling through trees or winding over a pergola. As with all Clematis viticella selections and most of their hybrids, this vine has good resistance to clematis wilt.
- Size: 1 gallon
- Height: 2.5-3 m (8-12 ft)
- Spread: 91-121 cm (3-4 ft)
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-8
- Sun or Shade: full sun to light shade
- Bloom Time: mid summer to early fall
- Leaf Colour: green
- Bloom Colour: lavender
Growing and Maintenance Tips
'Betty Corning' will need a trellis or support to climb on. It can also be allowed to ramble through a large shrub or small tree. To prune it cut back last year's stems to a pair of strong buds 20 cm above soil level before new growth begins in early spring. It belongs to Pruning Group 3. It is also recommended to plant it at least 5- 8 cm deeper then it is growing in the pot to encourage the formation of additional roots from the plant stem.