'Da Vinci Delight' is a very dense Veronica with lots of branching on each stem resulting in numerous flower spikes. In early summer, soft lilac purple flowers open from light colored buds. This broad, well-rounded selection is great for filling in along the front of the border. The deep green foliage has shown good mildew resistance. Veronica is easy to grow and has a long bloom time. The spiky flowers are an excellent contrast to the more common rounded flower shapes like Shasta Daisies, Coneflower, and Black Eyed Susans. Expect bees to be buzzing about this plant when in bloom.
Grow Veronica in average soil that has been amended with organic material. It flowers best in full sun. Deadheading will promote more bloom. When all the flowers are done cut it back to the basal rosette to maintain an attractive appearance.