Pulsatilla vulgaris Prima Papagena

Available May

Pulsatilla 'Prima Papagena' photo courtesy of Jellito Seeds

Pasque Flower

 Pasque-flowers are long time favourites of the spring garden. This strain introduces a whole new range of colours and a flower shapes.  Plants form low tufts or mound of ferny green leaves, bearing crocus-like flowers with single to double fringed petals, from white to soft pastel pinks, through to rich deep purple and red. Hardy and reliable, these are even drought tolerant once established. In order to get a specific colour the plant must be selected in bloom.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Pulsatilla is easy to grow in sun to partial hade in a well drained bed with soil that is fertile and slightly on the dry side. Waterlogged soil, especially in the winter means a quick death for this plant. It dislikes being disturbed once established and is difficult to divide. Propagation is best from seed.

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