Pulmonaria Lisa Marie
Pulmonaria 'Lisa Marie' photo courtesy of Plants Nouveau

Spotted Lungwort

This new pulmonaria was discovered by Brad and Lisa Grover in their home garden in northern Illinois. It was selected for its huge flowers, long leaves, and consistent leaf markings. 'Lisa Marie' has uniform, vigorous growth, and huge florets on long, sturdy flower stalks. The plant is loaded with flowers in late spring and then the foliage is a show stopper for the rest of the season. Plant in part to full shade for a stunning ground cover that will provide seasonal interest from spring to late fall.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Pulmonarias do best in a highly organic, moisture retentive soil. Dry conditions can lead to powdery mildew and leaf scorch. Clean up in the spring by removing old or damaged foliage from the previous year. If plants decline or are affected by powdery mildew, prune them back to ground level and fresh foliage will replace the damaged foliage. Pulmonarias spread slowly by creeping rhizomes, forming a nice patch of foliage


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