Nepeta Cat's Pyjamas
photo of Nepeta 'Cat's Pyjamas' courtesy of Walters Gardens


For fans of Nepetas who love the plant but want a smaller scale version 'Cat's Pyjamas' is perfect. It is a little over 30 cms tall and blooms about 2-3 weeks earlier than other varieties. The ball-shaped habit carries long, dark flower stems that hold indigo blue flowers. This improved Catmint has blooms from the soil to the tips of the stems. Even when the flowers are past peak, the colour of the rosy purple calyxes give your garden an additional splash of colour. As an added bonus, the small, aromatic leaves keep deer and rabbits away. Try this shorter stature plant near the front of the border. Pollinators love this plant.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Nepeta is a very easy plant to grow and is adaptable to a wide range of conditions. It will easily tolerate poor soil and dry conditions. It can be clipped back in August to freshen the plant.

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