Ligularia Bottle Rocket
photo of Ligularia 'Bottle Rocket' courtesy of Walters Gardens

Bigleaf Ligularia

Ligularia 'Bottle Rocket' is a compact sport of 'Little Rocket' from Proven Winners'. The perfectly proportioned plants hold spires of mustard yellow flowers on chocolate stems above the dense serrated foliage. It is a bold colour for the shade garden. Both flowers and leaves are great for cutting. The seed heads provide food for finches.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Ligularias need to be situated in a cool, moist location protected from hot afternoon sun. If the sun hits them they will wilt, although they will recover as soon as it cools down. Lots of organic material incorporated into the soil is also beneficial. They are excellent plants to grow along the edge of a shady pond or in a moist area of a woodland garden.


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