This very tall midseason to late season bloomer produces reddish purple standards with a deep purple marking that outlines the bright yellow signal above dark green foliage. It has been observed to be a very vigourous grower. The translation of the name from Japanese is 'Purple Dragon's Valley'.
Pseudatas grow in ordinary garden conditions and are best planted in full sun. They require ample moisture, especially when they are transplanted. Good culture will increase height, branching, flower size, and quantity of bloom. All beardless iris prefer a rich soil with ample organic matter. If the soil is clay, the addition of organic matter will help to loosen it. If the soil is sandier, the organic matter will help in water retention as well as adding nutrients. Planting in a small depression (2.5- 8 cms below the average soil level) will help the plant receive extra water during rains. Avoid planting in areas where prolonged cover of ice may smother the plants. After planting keep well-watered until the plant is established and new growth begins to appear. A heavy mulch helps to conserve moisture as well as reduce weeds. It will also offer protection to the roots of the plant over the winter.