Chelone glabra
Chelone glabra photo Missouri Botanical Garden

White Turtlehead

Chelone glabra is an upright perennial with stout stems and shiny deep green leaves. In late summer and fall, stems are topped by lovely clusters of white snapdragon like flowers. The individual blooms are about 2.5 cms long and are elongated with 2 lips. The unique flower shape resembles the head of a turtle.

  • Height: 61-91 cm (24-36 in)
  • Spread: 55-61 cm (22-24 in)
  • Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-8
  • Sun or Shade: sun t
  • Bloom Time: late summer
  • Leaf Colour: green and white
  • Bloom Colour: white
  • Critter Resistance: deer and rabbits
  • Nature Attraction: bees and butterflies

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Chelone glabra grows best in full sun or part sun in wet or moist soil. Plants thrive in soils high in organic matter and tolerate seasonal flooding. They will flourish in garden situations if irrigated. It can also be planted in a water garden or a moist perennial border.  Plants can be pruned or pinched back in spring to encourage growth of a shorter sturdier plant. This is usually not necessary unless plants are growing in full shade. This wildflower is relatively pest resistant and fairly unpalatable to deer and other mammals

