Hakonechloa macra Lime Zest
Hakonechloa macra Lime Zest photo courtesy of Briggs Nursery

Hake Grass

About This Grass

'Lime Zest' is a new introduction from Briggs Nursery. It features variegated blades of creamy green and zesty lime with magenta stems. It has an upright habit and makes a great companion for dark foliaged plants.

Growing and Maintenance Tips

Hakone Grass grows best in shaded woodland environments where the soil is moist and fertile. It does not grow well in clay soils and those that dry out. It also dislikes competition from tree roots. It is a slow grower and seldom needs division. In Zone 4 leave the old foliage on for the winter and do not remove fallen leaves or provide additional protection with evergreen boughs. 


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